Registration certificate PI № FS77-47706, dated 08 Dec 2011, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications.
Journal founder and publisher — the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music (Moscow, Russian Federation).
The Gnesins Russian Academy of Music started its publishing activity immediately after the Gnesins Academy has been established in 1944. It has issued over 500 scholarly publications during 70 years, including monographs, conference proceedings and collections of Scholarly papers. Free access to the list of Academy’s publications since 2007 is open from the main page.
The journal «Scholarly papers of Russian Gnesins Academy of Music» is being published quarterly – four issues a year – since april 2012 (ISSN 2227-9997).
Since 6 June 2017 the journal is included into the list of peer reviewed editions where basic results of dissertations for Ph.D. degrees acknowledged by VAK – Ministry’s of Education and Science Higher Attestation Committee – could be published.
The Journal «Scholarly Papers of the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music» is devoted to contemporary musicological research including its rather new sections such as psychology and sociology of music, music management, musical semiotics, musical narratology, musical anthropology and music pedagogy. The Journal’s main objectives are dissemination and support of musicological research, its new issues and methods, as well as filing and storage of appropriate information. Unpublished articles corresponding to the scientific areas 5.10.1 «Theory and History» of Culture and Art» and 5.10.3 «Forms of Art (The Art of Music)» Art-criticism specialities, along with the 5.8.7 «Methodology and technology of professional education» Pedagogy speciality – are accepted for peer review and further publication.
The Journal is addressed to musicologists, teachers and students of music schools and everyone interested in music and contemporary musicology. Articles are published in Russian.
The journal publishes:
- scientific articles on current issues of contemporary musicology and music education;
- the latest research findings from Russian musicians and musicologists;
- records of world musical scholarship;
- translations of works by foreign authors of the 20th-21st centuries;
- reviews of new books on music.
The list of thematic sections of the Journal
Editor-in-Chief – Doctor of Art Studies, Professor Irina Samoilovna Stogniy
The Journal «Scholarly Papers of the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music» holds its science index in the system of Scientific Electronic Library «eLibrary» and is included into the national bibliographic citation data RINZ.
RINZ impact factor 2017 — 0,047
The Journal «Scholarly Papers of Russian Gnesins Academy of Music» is following business strategy of open access. It is freely distributed via the Internet; all articles are in open access for anyone without limitations. Open access policy is accepted for broader dissemination of research results stimulating knowledge exchange and access to information within and beyond musicological community and general public.
Journal’s editorial office is following actual Russian copyright law regulations. Authors grant the non-exclusive rights for publication of their articles to the founder and editor of the Journal. While doing so the authors preserve their copyright for their work and other personal non-property rights. The founder holds the rights for the Journal as a whole.
Authors are not bound to pay for publication of their articles.
Subscription orders for the print version of the journal
«Scholarly Papers of the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music»
you can register on the website of the United Catalog «Press of Russia»
or by phone +7 (495) 680-99-71, 680-94-65 (Subscription agency «ARZI»)
Subscription index reference number in the United Catalogue «Press of Russia» — 91258.