Abstract: The focus of the research is the creative collaboration between composer Kaija Saariaho and her regular partners, playwright Amin Maalouf and director Peter Sellars, vividly embodied in the field of musical theater. The subject of the study is three operas by Saariaho, created in different years; the compositions carry a certain artistic image, characterizing the joint work of the three masters.
The three operas are united by such a specific factor as the combination of a special psychological depth in the development of the plot with some elements of unreality. In each of the operas, this factor is manifested in its own way. When analyzing various aspects of the works, the article focuses on the degree and nature of the contribution of the composer, librettist, and director in their embodiment. In the conclusion, conclusions are drawn regarding the properties that allowed the creative team to achieve such successful and harmonious collaboration.
This article is the first to explore Saariaho’s operas from such a perspective.
Keywords: Kaija Saariaho, Amin Maalouf, Peter Sellars, «L’amour de loin», «Adriana Mater», «Only the Sound Remains», contemporary opera
For citation: Saamishvili N. N. Saariaho, Maalouf, Sellars: co-authorship at the opera theatre. Scholarly papers of Gnesin Russian Academy of Music. 2024;(2):17-34. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2024-2-17-34 |
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