All articles submitted to the journal «Scholarly papers of Russian Gnesins Academy of Music» in accordance with the Journal’s thematic priorities are subject to mandatory independent peer review for expert evaluation.
Editorial Board is using the model of one-side blind evaluation. The author is not bound to know the reviewer’s name, but the reviewer knows the author’s name. The reviewer knows that the manuscript is the intellectual property of the author and is subject to non-disclosure regulations.
Reviewers are mostly members of the Journal’s Editorial Board and may be also recruited out of the number of leading Russian scholars with backgrounds in relevant fields. All reviewers are established experts on the subject of the article under review and have publications on this subject during previous three years.
Any article’s review is to be completed within a month.
The reviewer is entrusted with making her judgement on the following:
— correspondence of the article’s content with its title;
— completeness of the bibliography on the subject;
— scientific novelty of the article;
— validity of the article’s main conclusions;
— positive aspects and shortcomings of the article with possible corrections and additions to be made by the author;
— general reviewer’s conclusion as to the article’s suitability for publication in the journal: «recommended», «recommended if the reviewer’s comments are addressed» or «not recommended».
The review exists in written form and shall be certified by the personal signature of the reviewer and the stamp of the organization where she is employed (or the stamp of the journal’s founder).
Positive review does not constitute sufficient grounds for the publication of an article. Final decision about the publication is made by the journal’s editorial board.
If the review includes recommendations for revision of the manuscript, the article is returned to the author for amendments. A revised version of the article then goes through a second review with another specialist as reviewer.
Authors of the articles rejected receive motivated refusal sent to them within 10 days from the negative review confirmed by Editor-in-Chief. There is no repeated review procedure of any rejected article. Editorial Office is not supporting any written communication or discussion with authors whose articles have been rejected.
The editorial board sends copies of reviews or a rejection notice with explanation to authors who’ve submitted their articles for publication. Reviews are kept at the editorial office for five years. The editors are required to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of appropriate requests for them.
Any reviewer is responsible for the correspondence of the articles reviewed to the Journal’s requirements and regulations. In case of unresolved arguments of any parties Editor-in-Chief is to take final decision.