«Der gefühlvolle Kerckermeister” by Johann Nepomuk Nestroy and the stereotypes of romantic theatrical art

Original article
DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2024-4-56-69

Alexei A. Vlasov

Gnesin Russian Academy of Music, Moscow, Russia,
vlasovalexei2010@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0009-0000-1515-4780

Abstract: The article is devoted to the consideration of the main plot motifs in the parody by the Austrian playwright Johann Nepomuk Nestroy «Der gefühlvolle Kerkermeister oder Adelheid die verfolgte Wittib» (1832). Based on the pantomime ballet «Adelheid von Frankreich» by Louis Henri — Cesare Puni.

The analysis of the play by J. N. Nestroy allowed to reveal in the literary text a number of plot motifs characteristic not only for ballet performances of the first third of the XIX century, but also for a number of European operas of the pre-Romantic and Romantic era аnd to conclude that Nestroy’s play is a set of common plot and dramaturgical clichés, brought to the point of absurdity by the playwright; the object of parody and satire is not so much a specific ballet by Henri-Pounis as a general corpus of musical and theatrical texts of the first third of the 19th century.

When considering the musical component of the performance, its specificity and difference from Nestroy — Muller’s operatic parodies is noted.

Keywords: J. N. Nestroy, C. Pugni, A. Müller Sr., «Der gefühlvolle Kerkermeister», «Adelheid von Frankreich», ballet, parody, opera, libretto

For citation: Vlasov A. A. «Der gefühlvolle Kerckermeister» by Johann Nepomuk Nestroy and the stereotypes of romantic theatrical art. Scholarly papers of Gnesin Russian Academy of Music. 2024;(4):56-69. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2024-4-56-69


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