M. de Falla’s ballet «The Three-Cornered Hat» in the stage design by P. Picasso (1919)

Original article
DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2023-3-57-65

Mariya V. Rudko

Rimsky-Korsakov Saint-Peterburg State Conservatory, St. Petersburg, Russia,
marybelll@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0009-0003-6018-6820

Abstract: The article is devoted to the description of the creative process accompanying the appearance of scenography of Manuel de Falla’s ballet «El sombrero de tres picos» («The Three-Cornered Hat»). The details of events in the center of which the leading figures of 1910th–1920th art (Pablo Picasso, Sergei Diaghilev, Léonide Massine, Tamara Karsavina, Vladimir Polunin) worked and lived, are presented in the article in a panoramic and detailed way. Picasso’s scenography of the «The Three-Cornered Hat» (which implies not only the creation of sketches of scenery, costumes and curtains, but also the painting of portraits of ballet troupe artists, as well as the development of individual sketches of makeup for them) is considered as a single artistic whole and analyzed in a comprehensive manner, in reliance on the interaction of art-historical and theater-historical aspects.

Keywords: P. Picasso, M. de Falla, S. Diaghilev, L. Massine, ballet, scenography, «The three-cornered hat»

For citation: Rudko M. V. M. de Falla’s ballet «The Cocked Hat» in the stage design by P. Picasso (1919). Scholarly papers of the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music. 2023;(3):57-65. DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2023-3-57-65


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