The ballet by R. Strauss «The Legend of Joseph». Musical interpretation of the Biblical story

Original article
DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2024-1-46-70

Irina S. Stogniy

Gnesin Russian Academy of Music, Moscow, Russia,,

Abstract: The article is dedicated to the musical and choreographic interpretation of the biblical plot in the ballet «The Legend of Joseph» by R. Strauss, with libretto by H. Hofmannsthal and H. Kessler, created in 1914 for the Diaghilev seasons. The events of the Holy Scripture, representing endless possibilities of interpretation, allow to highlight the important cultural problem: the biblical plot and modernity. In this regard, the music and choreography of the ballet attract attention not only with their originality, but also as a vivid example of a work in which different trends of its time are interwoven. From the perspective of musical dramaturgy, this primarily involves the emphasis on the role of the psychological element in character development and revelation of the plot — a significant role in this process is played by Strauss’s leitmotif writing, as well as quotes (including self-quotes) and allusions. From a non-musical context perspective, there is undeniable influence of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory — as evidenced by the interpretation of the heroine’s role, reminiscent of Salome from the eponymous opera (pathological infatuation with Joseph brings her to irrational actions, leading to madness). The article analyzes the influence of Hofmannsthal’s poetry, the obvious connection of the heroine with the female images of Gustav Klimt, as well as the scientific direction «Philosophy of Life». The rich context that has emerged represents an intertext that is not confined within purely musical boundaries, but includes multicultural interactions. The main conclusion is that R. Strauss, long before Thomas Mann’s novel, created a work that defined the characteristic features of the modern era, such as a tendency towards myth, the East, and biblical themes. R. Strauss also deserves credit for creating the genre of choreographic drama, successfully continued by S. Prokofiev.

Keywords: R. Strauss, ballet, «The Legend of Joseph», interpretation, context, intertext, Freud, Klimt, Hofmannsthal, modern

For citation: Stogniy I. S. The ballet by R. Strauss «The Legend of Joseph». Musical interpretation of the Biblical story. Scholarly papers of Gnesin Russian Academy of Music. 2024;(1):46-70. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2024-1-46-70


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