Phonemes and articulation of Qur’anic texts in Arabic in musical notation (fixation, notation, analysis)

Original article
DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2024-4-100-113

Alfiia K. Shaiakhmetova

Dmitri Hvorostovsky Siberian State Academy of Arts, Krasnoyarsk, Russia,,

Abstract: The main focus of this study is on the phonetics and articulation of the texts of the Quran in Arabic in musical notation (notography becomes a means of studying a musical text). It is thanks to the clear rules of reading the Koran that it can be assumed that the performance of certain surahs sounds almost the same, with the constant transformation of the musical text. These norms and rules continue to apply to this day: sound information is transmitted from mouth to mouth, where the intonations of the sacred word are imprinted in the memory of the worshipper and passed on to the next generation. This article attempts to present the phonetics and articulation of the Qur’anic Arabic text in a musical, sound embodiment (the letter of the Arabic literary language is fixed in the sound of the musical text) by demonstrating some rules of intonation of the Qur’anic Arabic text. The subject of the study is precisely the musical component that sounds in the mosque. During the study of the musical material of Friday divine services in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, recorded by the author of the article in 2005–2024, a natural question arose about the nature of musical thinking within a single prayer cycle.

Keywords: tajwid, Arabic, notation, Quran, recitation, voice apparatus, surah «Al-Fatiha», jumla, tone

For citation: Shaiakhmetova A. K. Phonemes and articulation of Qur’anic texts in Arabic in musical notation (fixation, notation, analysis). Scholarly papers of Gnesin Russian Academy of Music. 2024;(4):100-113. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2024-4-100-113


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