Issue 2024 №3(50) Автор: editor · Опубликовано 25.12.2024 · Обновлено 25.12.2024 2024 №3 (50) CONTENTS Editor-in-chief’s page ANNIVERSARY Dina K. Kirnarskaya Elena Gnesin’s enigma р. 10–28 MUSICAL THEATER Alexander S. Ryzhinsky, Xiaoyong Shao Choir as «vocal orchestra» in contemporary Russian composers’ legacy р. 29–41 MUSICAL THEATER Alla G. Korobova «A Life for the Tsar» vs «Les Huguenots»: European opera in search of new forms р. 42–64 (on the 220th anniversary of M. I. Glinka) Vera I. Besenek Chronicle of an unperformed ballet. р. 65–89 To the history of one work by F. E. Vitacek Marina V. Tsukanova Valery Kikta’s ballets: the evolution of the genre р. 90–102 FROM THE HISTORY OF FOREIGN MUSIC Alexandra V. Ustyugova Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin by Johann Sebastian Bach: р. 103–114 a source analysis of the autograph and its manuscript copies of the first third of the 18th century MUSIC PEDAGOGY Elena V. Zelenkova Studying the Phenomenon of Regional Piano Schools: р. 115–125 Toward a Problem Statement ARCHIVES Nina K. Evdokimova, Lyudmila K. Shabalina Union of Moscow Composers during the evacuation in Sverdlovsk: 1941–1944 р. 126–142 BOOKS Vera B. Valkova Opening new perspectives in the study of S. V. Rachmaninoff’s legacy р. 143–146 EVENT Eduard S. Knoch A bright event on the stage of the Moscow International House of Music р. 147–150 Requirements for articles р. 152 Full text of the article