Rachmaninoff. Immersion in the element of feelings (anthropological aspect)

Original article
DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2023-3-106-111

Elena M. Alkon

Gnesin Russian Academy of Music, Moscow, Russia,
e.alkon@gnesin-academy.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4701-2378

Abstract: Based on the anthropological approach of A. Ya. Roginsky, the author singles out the triad of composers-contemporaries: A. Skryabin — S. Rachmaninoff  — N. Medtner, uniting them into one «musical-historical epoch» (the author’s concept formulated on the basis of Roginsky’s approach). The style of the epoch and the systematic nature of the triad are ensured by the distribution of three «secular types of character» — will, feeling and reason (according to Roginskiy) — between the three outstanding composers of the same epoch. «Feeling» in the musical-­historical epoch of A. Scriabin — S. Rakhmaninoff — N. Medtner, according to the ­author, is represented with the greatest force and completeness in the music of S. Rachmaninoff.

Keywords: Musical-historical epoch, feeling in Rachmaninoff’s music, A. Ya. Roginsky, anthropolo­gical approach, musical-historical epochs, psychological dominant, the triad «will — feeling — reason»­

For citation: Alkon E. M. Rachmaninoff. Immersion in the element of feelings (anthropological aspect). Scholarly papers of Gnesin Russian Academy of Music. 2023;(3):106-111. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2023-3-106-111


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