Original article DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2024-3-126-142
Nina K. Evdokimova
M. P. Mussorgsky Ural State Conservatoire, Yekaterinburg, Russia,
nmc-dpo2012@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3065-9389
Lyudmila K. Shabalina
M. P. Mussorgsky Ural State Conservatoire, Yekaterinburg, Russia,
lyudmila.k.shabalina@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8547-0738
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to highlight the contribution of the Union of Moscow Composers to the musical culture of the Urals during the evacuation years. The documentary materials of the Ural Conservatory (UGC) and the State Archive of the Sverdlovsk Region (GASO) provide an opportunity to reconstruct various spheres of activity of the capital’s musicians in Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg) during the war years, identify their role in the development of scientific, pedagogical, creative and educational activities during this period, supplement their professional biographies with previously unknown information, clarify and update the factual basis of the history of Russian musicology. The regional aspect of the activity of the Union of Moscow Composers during the evacuation period currently remains a little-explored problem.
Keywords: Union of Moscow Composers, Moscow Conservatory, evacuation, Sverdlovsk, 1941–1944, creative, pedagogical, scientific activities, evacuated musicians
For citation: Evdokimova N. K., Shabalina L. K. Union of Moscow Composers during the evacuation in Sverdlovsk: 1941–1944. Scholarly papers of Gnesin Russian Academy of Music. 2024;(3):126-142. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2024-3-126-142
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