Kirill Volkov: «Some intonations or folk themes determined the main mood of a whole segment of my life…» (interview with the composer)

DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2023-4-10-32

Mikhail S. Burlakov

Gnesin Russian Academy of Music, Moscow, Russia,,

Abstract: The interview with the National Artist of Russia, laureate of the Glinka State Prize K. E. Volkov was prepared by associate professor of Gnesin Russian Academy of Music, M. S. Burlakov, for the composer’s anniversary. Being a concert soloist, the author of this paper has been the performer of most of Volkov’s compositions for the accordion, some of them were performed for the first time. The interview touches on the topics of the musician’s personal attitude to the creative process and modern music, artistic guidelines of the composer’s creative worldview, as well as questions of the intonational origins of his compositions.
The author pays special attention to the composer’s accordion work, believing that it reflects themes, images and ideas presented in other genres of Volkov’s music. An attempt is made to present to a wide range of readers a part of Volkov’s artistic world in the word from the first person: to reveal the nuances of the dramaturgy of compositions for the accordion, to identify individual features of writing, as well as to identify some programmatic parallels with the literary sources on which this music was created, its connections with personalities and events of national history that are important for the composer.

Keywords: K. E. Volkov, interview, creativity, intonation, drama, program, genre, accordion, style, music, composition

For citation: Burlakov M. S. Kirill Volkov: “Some intonations or folk themes determined the main mood of a whole segment of my life…” (interview with the composer). Scholarly papers of Gnesin Russian Academy of Music. 2023;(4):10-32. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2023-4-10-32


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