On the 150th anniversary of the birth of Elena Fabianovna Gnesina: «The Music itself congratulates you!»
Personalities DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2024-1-10-29 |
Nora A. PotemkinaGnesin Russian Academy of Music, Moscow, Russia, |
Abstract: The article is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the outstanding pianist, educator, founder and head of four music educational institutions, public figure Elena Fabianovna Gnesina (1874–1967). Using materials and documents stored in El.F. Gnesina’s Memorial museum-apartment, various aspects of her character, family, friendships, professional connections throughout her long life are revealed. Fragments of memories are provided by outstanding musicians and other cultural figures who had the opportunity to interact with Gnesina as a musician, teacher, friend, colleague, and assistant. The texts of memories were collected by Gnesina’s biographer and the founder of the Memorial museum-apartment, Margarita Eduardovna Rittich. Part of the museum documents, including memories, articles, letters, and speeches of El. F. Gnesina, were published by the long-time director of the museum, Vladimir Vladimirovich Tropp. This publication aims to draw attention to the rich creative heritage of El. F. Gnesina, preserved in her museum-apartment and collected in publications about the Gnesin house.
Keywords: El. F. Gnesina’s 150th anniversary, Memorial Museum-apartment, funds of the Museum-apartment, memories, Gnesina’s creative heritage, memoirs, articles, letters For citation: Potemkina N. A. On the 150th anniversary of the birth of Elena Fabianovna Gnesina: «The Music itself congratulates you!» (View from El. F. Gnesina’s Memorial Museum-apartment). Scholarly papers of Gnesin Russian Academy of Music. 2024;(1):10-29. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.56620/2227-9997-2024-1-10-29 |
ReferencesGnesina E. F. «Ya privykla dolgo zhit’…» [Gnesina E. F. «I’m used to living for a long time…»]. Vospominaniya, stat’i, pis’ma, vystupleniya [Memoirs, articles, letters, speeches]: El. F. Gnesina. V. V. Tropp (sostavlenie) [compilation]. 3-e izd., stereotipnoe [3rd ed., stereotypical]. SPb.: Lan’, Planeta muzyki, 2021. 560 p. |